What the CELL is GOING ON?

Nitza interviews Dr. Gary Tunsky.  For the first few moments, Remnant Mamas Nitza Moshe, Rita Machamer and Posey Salem discuss the Shebrews Conference that was held last week in Oregon hosted by Hebrew Nation Radio and the new schedule and plans for the Remnant Mama Show.  Then special guest, Gary Tunsky, a Cellular Disease Specialist joins the show to discuss the foundation of all diseases.

This show with Gary Tunsky is a follow up after having done the two prior EDUCATE BEFORE YOU VACCINATE radio shows (Part 1 & Part 2) with April Renee of the Vaccination Information Center vacinfo.org,

Gary Tunsky discusses how CELLular toxins and CELLular insufficiencies are the root cause of cellular malfunction that medical science labels “Disease.”  Gary is the author of THE BATTLE FOR HEALTH IS OVER pH and the upcoming book, WHAT THE CELL IS GOING ON?  You can get more info on Gary, his lectures and services @ www.drcelltox.com.

Like the 12 tribes of Israel, the human body has 12 organs and systems that are interdependent and need to be synchronized for proper cellular communication, cellular health and vitality.  The 12 systems need to be ECHAD/One in unity for HEALTH!  Isn’t this what the body of the Messiah (the 12 Tribes and the whosoevers) need — that is to be walking as ONE HEALTHY BODY in order to be ECHAD/ONE with YeHuSHuaH as He is ECHAD with His Father YeHuWeH!

Cells need to be detoxed for health restoration as the body has to fight toxins from vaccinations, food, chemicals and the environment much like the Bride needs to be detoxed from defilement and unrighteousness in order to be restored.

Remnant Remedy also sells EJUVA 30-Day Detox program.  LISTEN to the Interview with Dr. Partito about the EJUVA Cleanse Program.